Medical Tourism in India

India is recognized worldwide for its excellence in the medical sector. Medical Tourism in India has boosted significantly in past years and has also attained remarkable results. Offering quality healthcare at a reasonable cost, India’s medical tourism sector is growing at a fast pace. Innumerable people from diverse and remote corners of the world have benefited from the medical services provided in India. Interestingly, the count is still on!

Making an effort in the noble cause of serving mankind, we are a one-stop portal offering a wide range of medical treatments in India. Unbeatable expertise, world-class doctors, numerous years of experience and best hospitals help us to lead in the field of medical tourism in India. We offer pocket-friendly treatment packages in India to the patient. Besides this, it is also ensured that the patient and accompanying person enjoy a comfortable stay in India that helps them to recuperate fast.

Reasons to Visit India for Medical Tourism

India is the leader when it comes to medical tourism and that is without cause. Economic costs, better services, experienced medical experts, alternative treatments and many contribute towards the lure of India for medical purposes. Here are some points that state why one must visit India for medical tourism:

  • ⮞ Lower cost treatments

    The economic cost of medical treatments in India, in comparison to most other countries of the world is a major reason for growing medical tourism. In fact, you can generally expect to save at least 50% while receiving medical aid in India as compared to that in other countries. The medical treatment comprises the actual medical bills as well as travel expenses like airfares, hotel, food and other services. In fact, some treatments in India cost as less as 10% of the cost available in the developed countries of the world. While the medical care is of top quality, the prices are not very steep.

  • ⮞ Medical Visa Availability

    In India, Medical Visa is a special visa for all the medical tourists in the country. The ‘M’ Visa is easily available. In comparison to other developed countries, visas in India are given out in a rather short period of time. With the patient, two family members can also make the trip for treatment. The Indian government strives hard to make visa available to patient as soon as possible. To travel to India for medical purposes, visa is available in 72-100 hours. In addition, priority is given to the patients with the most life-threatening conditions and medical complications. Therefore, a long waiting period for most life-altering or life-saving procedures are almost non-existent. The initial duration of the visa is up to a year or the period of the treatment, whichever is less. Also, a maximum of three visits are valid in one year.

  • ⮞ Immediate Medical Treatments

    Moving on another major point to visit India for medical tourism is the availability of immediate treatments. Compared to the developed nations where patients have to wait weeks or months for treatments, let alone appointments for check-up; India prioritizes treatments and there is a non-existing waiting duration. For faster treatments in India, you must pay a visit. You can easily avail appointment for the specialists, get the procedure done as well as recuperate from the illness as soon as possible.

  • ⮞ World-class services & care

    When it comes to health care, India has world class services. Hospitals provide premium care to each of their patients. One feels right at home with the hospitable care. The typical Western-style accommodations, custom-made dining, language translators, personal assistance and more excellent services are a part of medical treatments in India. Alternative Treatments While medical tourism in India relies not juts of one form of medicine, they are open to alternative treatments. Natural holistic treatments in the country have for centuries lured tourists in huge numbers and till date they are true for health and wellness. India is the world’s capital of Yoga and Ayurveda. Both of these ancient sciences of health and wellness are more than 5000 years old but still have fascinating solutions for many of the health problems. Though, it must be noted that these alternative treatments work best with medical treatment. Ayurveda helps in rejuvenation of body, mind and soul that further speeds up your recovery. With use of herbs, oils and massages, Ayurveda works like magic for a health. Also, Yoga teaches a comprehensive way of overall health and wellness.